Thursday, September 6, 2007

big walk - i'm outta here

today I went for a LONG walk with a kiwi named Robert. I'll fill in more details when i have some time - hopefully - but for now just a quick post to say that Budapest was good and this hostel was great. The weather was a real downer, but at least today was ok.

tomorrow I have a 12 hour train trip to Sarajevo. it leaves at 930am so i should be up by around 7 so i can eat, shower and get to the train station by 830.

i managed to get my banking sorted out, so that was a major plus. Mom, i tried to call home using the same borrowed calling card but it didnt work. not sure why. i'll try again from sarajevo.



Anonymous said...

Hi Mike;
I guess you'll be in Sarajevo by the time you read this, hope it was a good train trip.
I'm around on the weekend other than helping Matt if necessary.
I'm enjoying this blog, keep up the good work if you can.
Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

yeah. it's being updated waaay more often than i was expecting. although, i have no doubt it won't always be this constant.


Unknown said...

Hey Mikey - Sounds like you're keeping plenty busy and seeing cool stuff... Totally envious!

Mike N.

bms said...

thanks everyone, its great to hear from you!